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6/12/2022 12:05 PM  #1

Bought the SoT Three link coil over setup and CVF brackets

First I'm taking a break from listening to the lectures I recorded last week for my work training.  I have another week to go so I can not play with the new parts.

I had always wanted to run the SoT three link with the Watts link.  I pulled the trigger last week and ordered the kit.  This was all after I had found out I could make it work with the DSE mini tubs I installed which require modifying the frame.  The SoT kit has been installed by others with the same frame modes I have and SoT even gives the locations for moving the brackets inboard more to still fit a 315 tire.  So these means I will have to undo the frame mod I did to relocate the leaf springs.  Not that I have to undo this mod I just think it will be a cleaner look if I do.  The SoT kit I bought does not use the leaf spring location.  It all came in a weeks time except one part which is on back order.  This is fine because I can not work on the mustang anyways and even after my training ends this Friday I am on-call all weekend for work.  It is the slow time of the season so I am hoping I can sneak in some weekend time on the mustang while I am on-call.

I also ordered the CVF Wraptor kit.  I think it should be here by the end of next week.  So no progress on the body work but I at least have some cool parts coming.  In the next month or two I will try to order the AC system and the radiator so I can start cutting the core support.


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