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1/03/2023 1:14 PM  #1

68 FOG LIGHT Harnesses and what can be swapped????

Hi all, can 65, 66 or 67 Fog Light Harnesses be used on a 68?  I obviously want to go factory with factory switches, just curious if I can use other years on it?



1/03/2023 1:32 PM  #2

Re: 68 FOG LIGHT Harnesses and what can be swapped????

I don’t see why not, the appear to be all the same.
The wiring harness is very simple. The one I got included a circuit breaker, switch with associated wires for each lamp and just required an connection to a switched 12v source.
Got mine over twenty years ago from CJP, one of the first mods I did.

Good work ain't cheap, Cheap work ain't good!   Simple Man

1/03/2023 2:01 PM  #3

Re: 68 FOG LIGHT Harnesses and what can be swapped????

At the time I still had the original wiring in the car ( it has a AAW kit in it now)
There was no mounting bracket included with the CJP kit so I just tabbed one similar to the pictures of the item.

Good work ain't cheap, Cheap work ain't good!   Simple Man

1/04/2023 4:10 PM  #4

Re: 68 FOG LIGHT Harnesses and what can be swapped????

So the harnesses aren't different? I feel like the 68 plug in is different than the previous years

     Thread Starter

1/05/2023 10:25 AM  #5

Re: 68 FOG LIGHT Harnesses and what can be swapped????

I had an unmolested 68 with original wiring harness. I was able to find the factory fog light connections under the dash and under the hood. My car did not come with the lights , but I added them. Wiring was already there! the switch mounted to the right of steering column hanging under dash, there was an existing hole to mount it there. maybe this helps


1/05/2023 10:40 AM  #6

Re: 68 FOG LIGHT Harnesses and what can be swapped????


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