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6/07/2013 2:10 PM  #1

Who needs a coyote when this "thang" can fly?!!?
Swat-eye'm talk'in bout!!!!!!!!!!
Whada-ye-thank Al?

Last edited by 6sally6 (6/07/2013 2:11 PM)

Get busy Liv'in or get busy Die'n....Host of the 2020 Bash at the Beach/The only Bash that got cancelled  )8

6/07/2013 4:07 PM  #2

Re: Who needs a coyote when this "thang" can fly?!!?

needs more CAM  


6/07/2013 9:24 PM  #3

Re: Who needs a coyote when this "thang" can fly?!!?

Don wrote:

needs more CAM  

or CAMS?

Pretty hard to comprehend how they get that much HP to the ground with those skinny tires!! . Is that a 1000' run at 4.6/4.7 ? Really not a drag know-it-all. That thing would be small in the rear view on a typical 'Jug-handle' on ramp compared to, say, a 1987 Honda Civic wouldn't it?? Just wonderin' cuz I like moderated racin' in the real world, wouldn't ever want to exceed the posted limit unless I was, er,... momentarily distracted.......


6/07/2013 9:45 PM  #4

Re: Who needs a coyote when this "thang" can fly?!!?

North Star Dragway near Denton, TX is a 1/8th  mile track. Googled it...seems like a fun, fun place.

'66 Fastback since July 27, 1981. Springtime Yellow, originally a 200 cu in, 4 speed. Also a '92 LX Coupe, 5.0, 5 speed.

6/07/2013 9:56 PM  #5

Re: Who needs a coyote when this "thang" can fly?!!?

and it's right next to CTC Auto that too


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