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8/15/2019 3:49 PM  #1

wiper arm

65 mustang wiper arm drags on windshield with new blades installed
(by drag I mean moves slowly)


8/15/2019 7:37 PM  #2

Re: wiper arm

What have you checked so far?


8/17/2019 11:55 AM  #3

Re: wiper arm

Nothing so far. 

     Thread Starter

8/17/2019 1:16 PM  #4

Re: wiper arm

I would check at fuse (both sides) and at wiper motor to see if you are getting full voltage.  You may need to clean up contact surfaces. Check your switch as well.

You didn’t mention if you’re doing this with engine on or off.  Is there a difference?

Check battery voltage from positive to ground at/near firewall to make sure you have a good ground as well.
Main feed to fuse box is at start solenoid.  May want to check/ clean terminals and lugs too.


8/20/2019 8:53 PM  #5

Re: wiper arm

With water on windshield, or dry?  Does it change speed when wet?

Money you enjoy wasting is NOT wasted money... unless your wife finds out.

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