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As we all know the coronavirus pandemic is resulting in darn near every public gathering being canceled.
Not wanting to jump on that bandwagon prematurely, I think we need to have a serious discussion here to look at our path to the bash.
Most of us fall into at least one or two of the most “at risk” categories that make contracting the virus especially serious or even fatal for us.
Most of us will travel through several states, staying in multiple hotels and eating at restaurants where other travelers from who-knows-where are also traveling.
If one person were to be infected enroute to the bash, the other occupants of their vehicle would surely be infected as well. If heading TO the bash, this could easily transmit this virus to others in our group and people in surrounding communities. If heading HOME, those in our home community could be infected upon our return.
The bash is an optional event. Why take the risk?
Now, on the other hand, some don’t believe it is anything other than the flu, and there is no evidence of any problems in South Carolina. (But we could bring them some).
So, I am bringing this up for discussion. What are your thoughts? Especially those who would be traveling a good distance.
I would like to hear from everyone involved with the bash. After we have a civilized discussion, we can make a decision whether to proceed with the event, or not. I think it would be wise to make this decision on March 29, so everybody knows ahead of time. Hopefully, by that date, we will have an idea if the virus is dying out, or if it is spreading wider across the country. Maybe warmer weather will kill it off.
Let’s discuss it and try to come up with a rational decision that makes sense. And, of course, everyone can make their own decision should they disagree with what we come up with.
Thanks for starting the dialog, Steve. Jean and I have naturally been discussing it and had already decided to watch things closely. We have decided that we absolutely will not fly...I don't care how much they pay me to get on a plane...hate flying. Well, not true. I hate commercial air...don't mind flying at all.
We have pretty much decided to see if the cases start multiplying exponentially. I guess that's already happening but I mean REALLY exponentially. We were planning to leave here on April 17. so a decision by March 29 is plenty early for us. My concerns, like yours, are about getting infected on the way and not knowing it until we are on the way home or up in Virginia visiting family after the Bash...that would be a bad deal.
I also will welcome comments.
Last edited by Bullet Bob (3/12/2020 6:19 PM)
Steve, you bring up valid points and concerns, concerns we've discussed in our household. With Mrs JKB's cancer diagnosis and treatment, her immune system is "down" from where it should be. As a result, she endured 9 weeks of upper respiratory infection that was grueling for both of us. She's feeling better now however, with spring in the air, the Tennessee Valley is rewarding her with terrible allergies, resulting in more upper respiratory issues. Yesterday was her monthly oncology appointment and she asked the Dr what he thought of her attending a large craft show and also partaking in air travel. He recommended neither at this time. I'm not too concerned about this affecting me but, Mrs JKB is my number one priority.
Measures across the country are in place to try and stop or contain the spread of this virus...some may poo poo these actions however, one only need look at Philly in 1918 when 200k attended a military parade while the Spanish flu was in season....12k people died in Philly as a result.
Right now at our house, we're fine with a wait and see position and will re-evaluate at your proposed deadline. Perhaps the efforts of the U.S. actions will show this virus is no longer a threat. Until then, we'll do our best to remain healthy with the hopes of seeing everyone in MB.
Last edited by josh-kebob (3/12/2020 8:21 PM)
This may help the discussion! Opened my eyes (a little......its after midnight here! )
Added by MS: by the youtube author’s own written admission, his video was made before coronavirus went exponential and caused many more deaths than had occurred at the time of the video. And is still spreading. Read his comments as well as see the video.
Last edited by MS (3/13/2020 8:30 AM)
I will taking the same precautions and changing my schedule the same as I do every flu season. Hopefully I won't be the only person showing up at the Bash this year.
The flu season will be over in a couple of weeks. There is a new stain of flu every year, and those who are more susceptible to catching it should take precautions. Every year, not just this year.
We have a better chance of dying in a crash in our Mustangs than from any stain of the flu.
I believe the good doctor is spot on in this short video:
Last edited by Bearing Bob (3/13/2020 1:11 AM)
Well for me this is a real delima, I' m considered in that over 65 with a weaken immune system, after last visit with Dr about two weeks ago I had told him about driving the old 66 pony down to Florida April 1 and spending two weeks counting waves on the beach then heading up to South Carolina for this group of Mustangers that meet once a year. As of that appointment he thought it was great, But again that was two weeks ago. Right now I have absolutely no idea what to do, I guess it will be a wait and see for now. The car is ready hopefully real have a better understanding of whats really happening, This is where I'm at now.
Well Bonnie and I have talked about what should we do. I have had this cough since 18. We spent a week traveling down thru Canada's smoke and wild fires. It never went away. I wouldn't know today if I was a carrier or not . Bonnie on the other hand now cough's also because (we think) of her pollen allergy. The problem is we been on the road since Nov. and slowly working our way home now.
I drove home alone in Feb. to work on the cars and other things as Bonnie stayed down in Alabama. As of yet Ala. has no reported cases. We been out and about with a lot people and crowds over this time. We don't sit around worrying about this, but we do have to think about What's the right thing to do.
Common sense prevails 9 times out of 10. I agree with BB2 that the same precautions used to combat the flu will combat Covid-19. Social isolation and proper continuous hygiene are the weapons we have. I have read where Covid-19 is more contagious than the seasonal flu and visa versa. Who knows, I don't. I have not had either.
As for the Bash. I would hate to see it canceled and time is working in our favor. There is still a little over 5 weeks till the Bash and a lot can change. My vote is we discuss and make the decision on April 4 as it is 3 weeks before the bash.
To keep it simple, we are of the wait and see thought. Some people are saying it will go away when it warms up. Them are the ones I like listening to. Dallas county has suggested that groups of 500 and more not happen because a person caught it locally. I think March 29 is a good date for reconsidering. If some one is recovering by then they will still have the symptoms.
I talked with the lady @ Hampton Inn and she said she fully understands if this thing is cancelled (she HOPES NOT because she's almost as excited as we are!).
Hampton Inns have made changes in the silverware/plates/etc. concerning the preventive measures of contamination.
She said there would be NO issues with refunds and cancellation either. So that's not a worry either.
As of today Friday 13th( ) there haven't been any reported cases of the corona virus here in Myrtle Beach area....which is good news! Maybe warm weather is a deterrent (who-nose?)
I'm a "glass-half-full vs a glass-half-empty" kinda guy.
I always try to remain positive about stuff......
Stay tuned and post your opinion!
Yes I agree with everyone, we would hate to see the Bash canceled. First off WASH YOUR HANDS. We live here in Portland oregon and they say we have a handful of cases. And Washington has a lot more. Most of them were in a retirement center. My company is small and I work at a desk in the warehouse most of the time, we dont see people outside of work and my wife is retired and said she is staying home just because. I really feel that this has been blown out of proportion like never before. I hope we don't cancel. look forward to much more on this in the next weeks. We roll in 35 days on the 17th.
An added note if this is the end of the world, I want to see america first and that means my new friends in MB SC
Hello from italy . i would like to clear some fact read in previous post .
Prevention is the only way to fight this virus because right now there are no vax .
expected time for vax 18 month .
Everyone can be positive carrier without any flu syntomps , if was in contact with exposed ,
can transmit virus .
It's not a simple flu , but act like . The lungs are subject to pneumonia and fills of liquid in short time.
This is the focus : There are not enough oxigen breather ,( this is not a cure , but let you survive) medicine have only limited effects .
There are not enough intensive care room .
There is not one evidence that virus gonna live with spring or summer temperature .
You can have pneumonia also in summer .
kids and young are safe because healty . False . Now we have also young guys with virus . This age is the mostly hide -virus . They can be positive without effects also after 14 days . That 's need major attention. Close all level school should be done.
Old people : are mostly involved and subject to effects of virus . A lot depends on "strenght " of subject. People with other illness or low self defense , sorry to say but dies before 4 th week .
I need to say that right now people that was involved are safe with no flu / virus
Here govenment ask to not leave home , unless for food , medicine , work ( think of stopping ) .
Why ask so much : assembrement , and people too close are the way to contact each other .
Breath , talk, sneeze . cough , touch were others touched are the way to contact virus.
Wash hands many times , stay home , this is the only way . We need to stay at least 1 meter ( 3 feet ) from each other -
If everyone do his own job , the pandemia will be defeat .
The massive prevention is the first step.
i don't want to scare no one , but be realistic , we were the first in europe , than france and germany
( too much sure they were not involved ) now try to do something ( never too late ) .
Other country will be involved .
Be safe , think positive ... at least think !
First of all warmer weather has proven to aid in the transmission of the virus. The colder it is the shorter the virus can live outside a host making secondary transfer easier in warmer climates. IT has no effect on direct person to person contact. That makes us a little safer here in the frozen north at least for a litle while longer. With that said "caution" and "common sense" are my thoughts. Right now "panic" is the word best describing most people's driving force when making decisions. For me personally, I was planning to attend but I am not willing to risk the exposure I would have in an airplane with who knows who from who knows where. So I have decided not to attend. If I were driving I think I would still be going. My suggestion would be to continue this discussion, postpone any final decision and set a date that a decision needs to be made by.
NEEDED here lev·i·ty /ˈlevədē/ noun humor or frivolity, especially the treatment of a serious matter with humor or in a manner lacking due respect. "as an attempt to introduce a note of levity, the words were a disastrous flop"
Deborah and I have commitments in North Carolina so we will be going at least that far. Hope we don't have to cancel.
My son and I was planning on going to the Bash this year. The plan was to fly from Sweden to somewhere down in Europe and then cross the Atlantic ocean to Houston, meet up with Glen Buzek and then travel together to the Bash, more or less like we did back in 2011. Already as the situation was a week ago here in Europe my wife had major concerns about us going on this trip at this time. No matter how much I would like to meet my American Mustang friends again the "happy wife = happy life" reality had to be prioritized and I had to tell Glen and Mike that we are staying over here. A few days later the US is as I understand it closed from incoming visitors from Europe, the Swedish Health authorities are not recommending anyone to travel if they do not have to, tomorrow our southern neighbours in Denmark and Poland will close their borders, etc. I usually take media reports with not just a grain of salt, more like with a table spoon of salt, but judging from the reports I've read using different news sources about what kind of measures different governments are taking right now together with eyewitness reports like the one from our Italian friend Alessandro makes me believe that this is not just another seasonal flu.
Daze wrote:
First of all warmer weather has proven to aid in the transmission of the virus. The colder it is the shorter the virus can live outside a host making secondary transfer easier in warmer climates. IT has no effect on direct person to person contact. That makes us a little safer here in the frozen north at least for a litle while longer. With that said "caution" and "common sense" are my thoughts. Right now "panic" is the word best describing most people's driving force when making decisions. For me personally, I was planning to attend but I am not willing to risk the exposure I would have in an airplane with who knows who from who knows where. So I have decided not to attend. If I were driving I think I would still be going. My suggestion would be to continue this discussion, postpone any final decision and set a date that a decision needs to be made by.
Not looking to good around here. Most all the school districts have closed until April 1. So I guess we have the grand kids. If there not in school there in day care. What is the difference?
Mochaman and Mochawoman ARE STILL A GO. And to finally meet Hakan is even a bigger bonus. Mike see you in a couple weeks. Panic is not a solution, pure gasoline in the tank IS the solution.
Well, I'm from Seattle, Coronavirus Capital of the US. Right now, the whole state is on lockdown per our Governor. I was planning on flying to Charleston and renting a car to drive up to the Bash. I had already booked my room and was getting ready to book my flight, but circumstances have come about that do cause me to think twice about making the trip. I am 70 and am within the most "at risk" category of those who might contract the virus. Flying from Seattle across country and exposing myself to airports full of travelers from who knows where that may have the virus is a risk that I am not altogether ready to take. So with an abundance of caution, I have decided that I will not be making the Bash this year. Maybe by next year we will have this virus thing licked, or at least under control and I can try again. Those that go - have fun and post pictures! Sorry Mike - I tried.....
We've been having these discussions too. For the typical colds that gets passed around, I am good in a week. It takes Sheryl a month to 6 weeks to get past it. I can't imagine what something like this would do to her.
Don, thanks for trying to add some levity. Not sure what humor failed!!! Laughter has always been good for me in a difficult moment.
Steve G - I see your point about day care. when our 3 kids were enrolled, one of us would miss a day a week cause someone was sick!!
Ron68 wrote:
Well, I'm from Seattle, Coronavirus Capital of the US. Right now, the whole state is on lockdown per our Governor. I was planning on flying to Charleston and renting a car to drive up to the
Bash. I had already booked my room and was getting ready to book my flight, but circumstances have come about that do cause me to think twice about making the trip. I am 70 and am within the most "at risk" category of those who might contract the virus. Flying from Seattle across country and exposing myself to airports full of travelers from who knows where that may have the virus is a risk that I am not altogether ready to take. So with an abundance of caution, I have decided that I will not be making the Bash this year. Maybe by next year we will have this virus thing licked, or at least under control and I can try again. Those that go - have fun and post pictures! Sorry Mike - I tried.....
I'm on the wait 2 weeks and see list. Brenda and I were driving so would not be a big issue. I do understand flying or driving through bad areas would be a problem.
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