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Not sure if this post is okay here or not but I suffered a grade 5 AC separation two weeks ago that will require surgery. My surgery date is on the 22nd. From there I'm told 3 months until full recovery.
As for what happened, I went out early for a mountain bike ride and the grass was still wet. I wasn't trying to go fast but I was moving along at a fast pace when I entered a turn and got off the dirt part of the trail and caught the wet grass. This caused me to slide out and my shoulder took the fall. I was only 1.5 miles into the trail which was still in the open field part of the trail. I had to ride out one handed and load up and head home.
I haven't even felt like researching mustang stuff or doing much of anything. I can use my arm as much as I can bare the pain and the pain isn't much at all right now. This is per the doctor. He said I've already done all the damage I can do other than if I tried dead lifting weights or something.
Take it easy and get the necessary surgery done. The Mustang can wait and FYIFORD will be here when you're ready to go again.
They will patch you up good as new. Hang in there!
Pray all goes well and you get well soon !!
God speed on your recovery, and stay off them 2 wheelers as they'll turn you into an organ donor.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Prayers for all to go well on your path to recovery.
Good luck on the surgery and the healing. Follow the PT recommendations, don't try to go too fast, it is a slow path to return to normal ... or almost normal.
Its well worth getting the surgery. The downtime sucks, but to have it back good as new, or maybe even better will be well worth it. My right shoulder's been separated more times than I can count. The first time was pretty bad. Of course I didn't go to the doctor, I just kept working. It look months to heal, and was left prone to reinjury. Now I have to be real careful with that shoulder whenever I use it to carry weight to avoid reinjuring it. At some point I'm sure I'll have to get it fixed right.
The doctor's right, you can't hurt it worse than it already is. Right now pain will be the limiting factor to what you can do. Once you get the surgery do exactly what they tell you. Best wishes and prayers for a full and rapid recovery.
Do what you need to do to to get it fixed up.
The mustang can wait.
Just think, it’ll give ya time to think of more projects.😁
I have been doing really well with the shoulder. Last week I asked the doctor what my limitations were and he said the damage is already done so as long as you can get through the pain to go about my business. Now I'm not doing anything that requires strength of that arm. Just wasn't sure if I had to stay in a sling or not. I can wash my hair and perform little things so I atleast feel somewhat normal. Nine days and counting until surgery.
Make sure they give you an ice machine after the surgery. I loved that thing. It circulated ice cold water around the sling that your shoulder is in. I hade four nails put in my shoulder for rotator cuff surgery and as long as I did the therapy, it took about a year to get full range, but it was worth it in the end. Best of luck to you.
I understand the surgery is " as-easy-as-falling-off-a-bike"! Soooooooooo you should be OK! (You're OK in our book anyhow!)
Hang in there and listen to the 'saw-bone'.........they went to skool 8 years so they SHOULD know what the're talk'in bout.
Really 'milk-it' with the wife.......a years recovery means 'you ain't gotta do NUTH'IN...."cause your shoulder hurts!"
No Kidd'in.....hope you get better quicker
Thanks everyone. Sounds like I'm not the only one thats been through this. lol
I've been trying to get our pool cage finished from where I tore up all the bottom screen track so they could resurface the pool deck, which was done right after the pool was resurfaced. With the help of my son we got all the screen tracks reinstalled and did so with stainless hardware. My son had a friend come over and help him with the installing the new screen, I paid his friend well. So the wife is happy that got finished before surgery.
Been busy with some legal matters regarding the property I had gotten from my father before he passed away. Something to do with the land should have been sold through/by the trust and it wasn't. So the deed isn't a clear deed. Sadly his passing has left a lot of financial burden on me. Not looking for any sympathy here just kind of venting. My daughter had just gone through cancer surgery right before he passed away so its been a tough year. She is now cancer free. It's been hard to focus or think about the mustang.
Seems like..........."stuff"....tends to pile up doesn't it?!
I doubt your Mustang is your 'only' means of transportation soooooo.....don't worry about it. It will be there patiently-waiting when you get all the "stuff' behind you. (Not to be confused with "behind-stuff"...that's pretty disgusting)
Have the surgery now......its too hot to do anything else butt let the "little woman" wait on you for a few months.
(DO NOT let her read this post^^^^) They love it when we call'em that!!!
6sally6 wrote:
Seems like..........."stuff"....tends to pile up doesn't it?!
I doubt your Mustang is your 'only' means of transportation soooooo.....don't worry about it. It will be there patiently-waiting when you get all the "stuff' behind you. (Not to be confused with "behind-stuff"...that's pretty disgusting)
Have the surgery now......its too hot to do anything else butt let the "little woman" wait on you for a few months.
(DO NOT let her read this post^^^^) They love it when we call'em that!!!
My project doesn't even roll. She's not that into mustangs to read anything I post. lol She is very supportive of the mustang and my desire for cycling.
Yes, when it rains it pours but it will all work out. Just sucks working through it all.
Yesterday the surgery center tried to tell me I had to pay $2400 up front. This put me over the edge and of course it was too late to call my insurance provider. So I called one of the doctors I work with and he made a few calls and surprisingly I got a call from the surgery center this morning telling me they were sorry for the error. This same doctor went out of his way to help my daughter with her surgery and the doctor that performed that surgery.
Good luck with the surgery and recovery.
Having a good friend that's a "good" doctor is 'almost' as good as having a good mechanic! OR.....
friends with a guy with a lift!..... OR a friend with a really quick car and wants you to 'show him how to power shift' OR....friends with a woman who loves to bake desserts OR.....friends with someone who won the PCH sweepstakes (as if anybody EVER won that thing ....OR friends with a guy who wants to install a LENCO tranny in a Mustang , just to see how well it fits.....OR friends with a guy who owns a string of gas stations OR......friends with a guy who ........(fill-in-the-blank)
Today I was able to buy two used fenders. Drivers side is aftermarket but the passenger side is an original ford fender, which is the side I need. It needs a lower patch but I'm very happy with the purchase.
Having good friends is always a good thing and even better if said friends are into the same thing you are.
Surgery was successful. I have some donor tissue in my shoulder to help repair it. 6 weeks in a sling and a total of three months to full recovery. I get a pic or two when we change the dressing.
Good deal. Don't let the pain outrun your meds.
Great to hear!
This week is 7 months since I had my shoulder surgery. Double whammy for me...torn rotator cuff and torn labrum. Still in physical therapy. Range is about 85% and lingering pain. Doc says taking longer than it should. I was told the same 3 month line.
Physical therapy sucks as bad as everyone says. It becomes a mental exercise just to drag yourself to the clinic. Depending on age, some people will tell you it's not worth it. I can turn a wrench and work on the car, but I'm definitely icing down the shoulder afterwords.
One day at a time is all I can say. And watch out for over doing it on the pain meds. Try and keep it iced as much as you can rather than relying on the pain meds.
Good luck.
Been there- done that!
Physiology therapy is a must to eliminate loss of range of motion.
Since 1997 I have had;
Lower back surgery, L4-5 to S1 fusion with rods and screws
Left and right rotator cuff repair, left biceps detachment
Total right ankle joint replacement
Left Hip joint replacement
Three knee replacements, two left, one right, the left one wore out after 15 years
If that wasn’t enough I had a gall bladder removed, a cancerous prostategland removed with 37 radiation treatments.
I don’t recommend passing on physio therapy.
As for pain med’s take as prescribed, if taken because they are needed you should not get hooked on them.
I have been on and off OxyContin since my back operation and am not hooked on them.
Good luck on your recovery.
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