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Ok Rudi I feel like I have nothing on you and shouldn't even bother posting about my little injury.
Tremendouswand I hope mine doesn't take that long. My biggest concern for me is not letting it heal and pushing to hard to soon. Two weeks after I suffered the injury I was back out riding 25 miles a day on my road bike, not the mountain bike. Doctor said if I could take the pain then go for it, that I had already done all the damage I could.
I'm looking forward to therapy just to get out of the house and do something. I have to sleep sitting up, which isn't working out so well. I guess if I lay on it wrong I could cause it to shift out of location. I'm very concerned with that and I'm doing my best to follow the doctor's orders. I also found that the pool is great for relaxing the shoulder and moving it around. I even used the side jets to massage the shoulder and plan on doing that as soon as I get the ok to do so.
The nerve block wore off yesterday and I haven't taken any pain medication since last night at 8pm. I'm sure I will have to take something before I start therapy. Tonight we should be changing the bandage, wife works on the trauma floor at the hospital so it's nice to have her experience. The doctor is a little more relaxed given she has that experience. Even when our daughter had her thyroid cancer surgery, that doctor let our daughter go home early from the hospital because of the wife's experience.
The doctor did not find any damage to the cuff or any where else other than the AC separation. I have not asked what loss there may be or if I will have any limitations or not. After that first brief office visit, my understanding was after 3 months I would be back to doing whatever I do. Thanks for the kind words everyone.
Having to three surgeries my right shoulder rotator cuff over the past 18 years, the last being in December 2019. My advice, go slowly w/PT, don't overdue it.
Rudi - sounds like to played Pro Football for too many years. Best to you and your health going forward.
RTM wrote:
Ok Rudi I feel like I have nothing on you and shouldn't even bother posting about my little injury.
Tremendouswand I hope mine doesn't take that long. My biggest concern for me is not letting it heal and pushing to hard to soon. Two weeks after I suffered the injury I was back out riding 25 miles a day on my road bike, not the mountain bike. Doctor said if I could take the pain then go for it, that I had already done all the damage I could.
I'm looking forward to therapy just to get out of the house and do something. I have to sleep sitting up, which isn't working out so well. I guess if I lay on it wrong I could cause it to shift out of location. I'm very concerned with that and I'm doing my best to follow the doctor's orders. I also found that the pool is great for relaxing the shoulder and moving it around. I even used the side jets to massage the shoulder and plan on doing that as soon as I get the ok to do so.
The nerve block wore off yesterday and I haven't taken any pain medication since last night at 8pm. I'm sure I will have to take something before I start therapy. Tonight we should be changing the bandage, wife works on the trauma floor at the hospital so it's nice to have her experience. The doctor is a little more relaxed given she has that experience. Even when our daughter had her thyroid cancer surgery, that doctor let our daughter go home early from the hospital because of the wife's experience.
The doctor did not find any damage to the cuff or any where else other than the AC separation. I have not asked what loss there may be or if I will have any limitations or not. After that first brief office visit, my understanding was after 3 months I would be back to doing whatever I do. Thanks for the kind words everyone.
Gosh o golly I did not mean to belittle your condition, but to stick with it and you will see good results by doing the physio. It worked out for me with the exception of the back surgery.
BobE wrote:
Having to three surgeries my right shoulder rotator cuff over the past 18 years, the last being in December 2019. My advice, go slowly w/PT, don't overdue it.
Rudi - sounds like to played Pro Football for too many years. Best to you and your health going forward.
Thanks for best wishes Bob. As for the cause of my orthopaedic issues, none were from ball sports, all from off road racing those “suicide” machines.
If I had to do it all again prolly would not change anything . . . . well maybe for that time on a flat track that had my right foot hanging by the skin and tendons.
Rudi I didn't take it that way but it does put some things in a much different perspective.
Found out yesterday that I have to stay in the sling for six weeks then start rehab on the shoulder. My first appointment for rehab will be on Sept 1st. As for taking it easy I am but I'm also the type that will push to hard to soon so I have a real struggle ahead of me. I want to order all the brake parts I need from MS but I know no matter how much I try to tell my son what to do I will be right in the middle of it all, so I haven't ordered anything yet. lol
Last weeks check up went well and the doctor doesn't think I will need much rehab. Given two weeks after surgery I was already moving the arm pretty well.
As for taking it easy. I did work on my bicycle and used the arm maybe more than I should have installing a new chain and sprocket. Then me and my son decided to install 4.10 gears in my extra 9.75 truck axle and installed the axle in the truck. I differently pushed to much with that. Even though I was wearing my sling my arm hurt for two days. Happy to say the 4.10 install went well and no gear whine.
Long story short I bought a cheap 3.73 motive gear set and screwed up the install so those gears whined. I did not realize my setup bearing for the pinion depth was a different thickness than the final bearing that was installed. All the signs were there that something wasn't right but I ignored them. Lesson learned!!!
Tomorrow we tear off the front suspension to replace the control arms, both upper and lower and install new outer tie rods. Inners were done a while back. While its apart, I will install the 4.10 gears in the front 8.8 axle to match the rear.
Are you high?!
2 weeks after surg you're swapping gears in an 8.8! What happened to the "tak'in-it-EZ-for-a-while?
Go get'em tiger!!
6sally6 wrote:
Are you high?!
2 weeks after surg you're swapping gears in an 8.8!What happened to the "tak'in-it-EZ-for-a-while?
Go get'em tiger!!
I am having my son do most of the work or trying to. I just get a little restless sometimes and have to jump in. lol
But I am going nuts with nothing to do. The doctor did say I could start riding my trainer as long as I keep my arm in my sling.
I had that issue with an 8.8 once too. I don't know if they had different bearings for different years/models or something, but its not as oddball an issue as it should be.
TKOPerformance wrote:
I had that issue with an 8.8 once too. I don't know if they had different bearings for different years/models or something, but its not as oddball an issue as it should be.
If I recall one was a Toyo and one was Timken bearing. When I figured out what was wrong I was surprised to find a .040 difference in the bearings.
With my sons help we finished the front axle rebuild and installed all new upper control arms, tie rods and shocks. I bought all ford parts except for the shocks. I had Bilsteins on the rear so I bought the Bilsteins for the front. Truck got an alignment this morning and very pleased with the outcome. Better yet, the 4.10 gears were a perfect ratio for my tire size and they do not whine. lol
On a real subject, my mustang. As much as I want to work on it, I can't. Not only because of my arm and most of it being more than my son can really handle, well I am sure we could get by. This year has been a tough financial year on us. With My daughter going through cancer surgery, the loss of my father which I had to pay for everything and of course my shoulder injury. So now I have discovered there is a legal issue with the deed to the property my father had bought and I have to fork out a ton of cash to resolve it before I can sell it. It's just been a tough year. So I'll still be lurking and hope I can offer some useful help but I'm sure I will have more questions than help.
Me and my son did make a cool case spreader for the front axle rebuild.
Keepa hang'in!!.......It can only get better!...right?!
6sally6 wrote:
Keepa hang'in!!.......It can only get better!...right?!
It has too. lol Trying to find things to keep my mind busy is the challenge. I did start reading a book today, the Carroll Shelby story.
Go slow with the financial issues, and shoulder issues, wishing the best outcome for your daughter ... as Sal stated, things will get better.
I'm sure a good attorney would check this, but just in case, no title insurance on that property? The policy info should be with the settlement documents if a policy was purchased.
TKOPerformance wrote:
I'm sure a good attorney would check this, but just in case, no title insurance on that property? The policy info should be with the settlement documents if a policy was purchased.
My father bought the property from a land company. He paid on it for required time. His is only the second lot to have been sold out of the 50 acres that was divided up. The company the land was bought from had a lawyer present at the original purchase. original owners had placed their property in a trust then sold the property before they passed. The issue is the sellers signed as themselves and the deed does not show it being sold from the trust. To make the issue worse the sellers have passed away and the lawyer that was present has been disbarred, go figure. So there was never a transfer purchase such that a title office and all that was involved.
My father instructed the Land owner/seller to put the property in my name when it was paid off. Luckily he had done this right before he passed but owed back taxes. Once I paid the back taxes I had a deed to the property. When I tried to sell it the title office discovered this mishap and they even tried to get it worked out. The next of kin to the original land owners could not be located. So in short, I now I have to hire an attorney to file a Quiet Title Action. this takes 6 weeks to run in the papers, then a 4 week waiting period. Then pray no one tries to fight for the land. Then it will be money out the window trying to stop it and then sue the company the land was bought from.
The other lot that was purchased was purchased the same way as mine and they have not sold so they have no clue as to what may happen when they sell. I have made the company the land was bought from aware of all os this and they have provided all the documents they have regarding their purchase, same records found on file. I've been fighting this since June.
Yeah, I think that qualifies as a mess. Its a chain of title issue as the deed transferring the property to your father was never recorded. Then it falls on you because why would you buy title insurance for a family transfer between you and your father? I certainly didn't with mine. Ugh, hopefully it all works out. If the next of kin cannot be reached its unlikely they would contest it. Fingers crossed, thoughts and prayers for a rapid conclusion.
TKOPerformance wrote:
Yeah, I think that qualifies as a mess. Its a chain of title issue as the deed transferring the property to your father was never recorded. Then it falls on you because why would you buy title insurance for a family transfer between you and your father? I certainly didn't with mine. Ugh, hopefully it all works out. If the next of kin cannot be reached its unlikely they would contest it. Fingers crossed, thoughts and prayers for a rapid conclusion.
The title office was able to reach one of the next of kin but he has no idea where the other two siblings are and wants nothing to do with them. The lawyer claims to have found another lawyer with some sort of estate deal going on with the same family but my lawyer claims that lawyer won't return his call. My lawyer was hoping to get estate information so he could simple reach out to the next of kin. This could have solved the issue in short time but as my luck would have it, this did not happen. I stress over it because it hasn't felt right since this all started but my hands are tied.
Thought I would give a little update. I have completed my PT. I was told from day one that I was further along than any one she had ever seen after shoulder surgery. I see the dr on the 14th and hope to be released from my 20lb restriction and return to normal. I have been back to work for four weeks. Had to convince the dr I would be ok going back to work and did not want to be off for another four weeks. I knew my shoulder was well enough.
I ordered patch panels for the front of my lower rocker panels and I'm hoping to install or at least start them this weekend. The wife is actually pushing me to get back on the project and said she will buy a part or two every pay period. My next purchase/purchases will be everything I need for the clutch pedal set up from roller bearings, cable clutch and parts for the hydro boost conversion.
Glad to hear it RTM!
Great new on the recovery and willingness of the better half to buy some parts!!!
RTM - glad your on the road to recovery however, don't push the continued PT too fast.
After my third shoulder surgery in 2019, same shoulder, my advice is do not go too quickly with increasing PT routine, reps & weights, it can lead to damaging the repair.
Good luck.
BobE wrote:
RTM - glad your on the road to recovery however, don't push the continued PT too fast.
After my third shoulder surgery in 2019, same shoulder, my advice is do not go too quickly with increasing PT routine, reps & weights, it can lead to damaging the repair.
Good luck.
Thanks and I couldn't agree more. I've actually surprised myself and have been following the doctors orders pretty well, better than I use to!!!! I do tend to push to hard and it's my competitive nature. But I think this injury kind of made me think about it more than I have with other injuries. My therapist is big into yoga and a lot of my PT was yoga based. I since I have signed up with the hospital gym and they have yoga classes. I attended my first two classes last week and feel it's perfect for my shoulder and me overall. The yoga instructor is aware of my injury and will tell me not to do certain things.
RTM wrote:
BobE wrote:
RTM - glad your on the road to recovery however, don't push the continued PT too fast.
After my third shoulder surgery in 2019, same shoulder, my advice is do not go too quickly with increasing PT routine, reps & weights, it can lead to damaging the repair.
Good luck.The yoga instructor is aware of my injury and will tell me not to do certain things.
Is she 'hot'?!!
Yoga is great for rehab as well as preventing future injuries. It s decent thing to get into 1-2 times a week even when not rehabbing. I started doing that years ago when I was lifting weights 3 times a week. It made a huge difference in the amount of soreness I had from hard workouts, as well as greatly reducing repetitive stress injuries.
6sally6, there's videos of Danika Patrick doing yoga out there. That'll fix you right up!
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